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First BWILC Lustrum Marked with Conference

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In 2023, the Stichting Bob Wessels Insolvency Law Collection (BWILC) celebrates its first lustrum with the fifth PhD Workshop. This workhop will take place from 19-20 April 2023. The board of BWILC is pleased to announce an in-person conference that will take place subsequently on 20 and 21 April 2023 in Leiden (the Netherlands), directly pursuant to the PhD workshop and to celebrate this lustrum.

At the conference we will discuss the next steps of EU harmonisation of certain aspects of insolvency law. On 7 December 2022, the European Commission presented its long expected legislative proposal for a directive for further harmonisation of European insolvency law. BWILC, together with other organisations including CERIL, will pursue an EU-wide discussion involving also (younger) academics to reflect on the proposed directive.

For more information and registrations, click here.


The preliminary program is as follows:

14:00 – 18.00  20 April 2023: Setting the Scene for Harmonisation
Day Chair: Prof. em. Bob Wessels

Keynote address
Pal Szirányi European Commission

Sessions: CERIL’s Response to the EC Proposal
Harmonisation: What Is, What Isn’t and What Should be Harmonised?
Harmonisation of Insolvency Law: How to Make it Work?

This day will be concluded with a conference dinner, which will be free of charge.
09:00 – 15:0021 April 2023: Examining the EC Proposal
Day Chair: Prof. Ignacio Tirado

Sessions: European Regimes for Pre-packs and MSMEs
Harmonisation and the Role of Actors: Debtors, Creditors, Practitioners and Judges
Impact of the EC Proposal on the Financing and Restructuring Market